About me

My research is focused on determining whether and how scientific findings can be generalized to populations other than the one that was studied. In particular, I am interested in understanding the factors that predict whether a treatment will be effective in a given patient, and how those factors differ between populations. These considerations play a crucial role in determining how results from randomized trials can be applied in clinical practice, and therefore have high relevance to evidence-based medicine. With my coauthors, I have proposed a new framework for reasoning about generalizability based on counterfactual models that formalize certain intuitive arguments that have arisen independently multiple times in the earlier literature. For more information, see the “publications” section of this website.

Since September 2023, I have been a resident physician in addiction medicine at Oslo University Hospital, and am no longer planning a career in academia. I am occassionally contacted by academics who ask me to reconsider this choice. Please do not contact me with such requests unless you are able to offer both job security and unrestricted freedom to set my own research agenda.

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